Bonne Gouvernance NOTRE CONSTITUTION BONNE GOUVERNANCE ÉTHIQUE ET POLITIQUES D’ENTREPRISES Constitution Constitution of Terra Mauricia Ltd [297.7 KB] Télécharger BONNE GOUVERNANCE Board Charter [3.8 MB] Télécharger Corporate Governance Structure [8.9 MB] Télécharger Corporate Structure and Statement of Responsibilities [387.2 KB] Télécharger Directors nomination and appointment procedures [763.7 KB] Télécharger Technology with HR 2023 [668.1 KB] Télécharger Position Statement of Chairperson of the Board [39 KB] Télécharger Position Statement of Company Secretary [39.7 KB] Télécharger Position Statement of Group Managing Director [44.3 KB] Télécharger Position Statements of Chairpersons of Board Commitees [51 KB] Télécharger Terms of reference for the Audit and Risk Commitee [362.7 KB] Télécharger Terms of reference for the Corporate Governance Committee [972.7 KB] Télécharger Terms of reference for the Strategy and Investment Committee [234.5 KB] Télécharger Terms of reference of the Ethics Commitee [197.6 KB] Télécharger ÉTHIQUE ET POLITIQUES D’ENTREPRISE Code of Ethics ( including Gift & Conflict of interest policies) [3.7 MB] Télécharger Technology Security Policy 2023 [196.1 KB] Télécharger Information Technology Usage Policy (Version 2023 - V2.4) [621.9 KB] Télécharger